Why the Design Phase is Essential to Project Success: An Owner’s Perspective
ConCntric’s CEO and Founder, Steve Dell’Orto, recently had the opportunity to connect with other professionals in the industry to discuss the importance of collaboration in preconstruction at Procore’s Groundbreak conference in Chicago this past September. He gathered Scott Seyer, Principal Designer at Solomon Cordwell Buenz, Mike Schnizlein, VP of Construction at Related Midwest, and Martin […]
ConCntric’s CEO and Founder, Steve Dell’Orto, recently had the opportunity to connect with other professionals in the industry to discuss the importance of collaboration in preconstruction at Procore’s Groundbreak conference in Chicago this past September. He gathered Scott Seyer, Principal Designer at Solomon Cordwell Buenz, Mike Schnizlein, VP of Construction at Related Midwest, and Martin Walsh, VP of Facilities Development at Sonic Automotive to facilitate a lively discussion about how to collaborate effectively in the preconstruction phase, from an Owner’s perspective.
To learn more, you can watch the full video recording here or read the transcript below.
Steve Dell’Orto: We’re excited to have everybody here. Groundbreak and Procore’s focus is huge. There’s a pretty wide aperture of things that are covered in this conference. I do say, with bias, of course, that I think preconstruction and the needs of preconstruction are vastly underrepresented in conferences like this. What we are trying to do today is have a lot of fun, have some drinks, and have some food, but also really try to elevate the conversation around the importance of planning a project, the need for predictability, and the need for flexibility. Tonight we want to talk about the importance of embracing technology and the use of data to make projects many times more predictable and many times more effective. We also want to talk about how bringing people together in a collaborative environment will help make the lives of those who are involved in preconstruction endeavors a lot simpler and easier.
To do that, we thought, what better way—given that the audience coming to Procore is mostly General Contractors—to have them leave this conference with a greater appreciation and maybe a mission to elevate things on the preconstruction end as they serve their customers. We thought who better than to have a panel of folks who have walked in everybody’s shoes as a Contractor, Builder, and Architect, but also now are developing and leading the development of projects, both here in Chicago as well as all over the country.
I want to have our panelists introduce themselves a little bit. I know each of them, through our collective careers (I probably have a little bit of bragging on them that I want to do). But then we want to get into a dialogue. I want them to share with you how they see the needs, how they see the level of service today, and what they know to be possible about what could be done. As well as how that would make life a lot better for them and how life and the project certainty would be vastly improved with a new or a more advanced way of coming together in precon.
So with that said, Mike, would you start with a brief introduction, then Martin and Scott?
Mike Schnizlein: Happy to. Hi, I’m Mike Schnizlein. I am Vice President of Construction with Related Midwest. As Steve said, we have history. We worked together in California for several years. I spent 18 years in your shoes, assuming there are General Contractors in the room. As a General Contractor and Builder, I came over to the dark side or light side (however you want to see it) to the Owner group and sit in that role currently leading construction operations inside our development team here at Related in Chicago.
Martin Walsh: Martin Walsh, Vice President of Facilities Development for Sonic Automotive. I’m based in Charlotte, North Carolina. I’ve lived on the West Coast for several years and I too worked with Steve for a short stint and became great, fast friends. I’ve worked both on the Subcontractor and General Contractor side and most recently on the Owner side over more years than I care to admit in this business.
Scott Seyer: Hi, Scott Seyer. I am a Principal Designer with SCB Architects. I don’t think there are a lot of architects here in the room, but what I will say is I started in the mid-90s, working on some very large projects. That’s where the relationship between the Architect and the Contractor had to be combative or you weren’t doing your job. I think it’s come a long way and now that is not the way I work at all. I met Steve when we worked on Facebook—the Park Tower in San Francisco. I know Mike from that project as well. I think we got along very well under challenging circumstances. But when you approach all challenges collaboratively, you get a resolution. So that’s how I’ve embraced it. I know these people on the panel here are excited to talk about this topic.
Steve Dell’Orto: Scott brings that Designer perspective and he is being quite humble. He’s a trusted adviser to the developers that he’s working with and he oftentimes is involved in the job before the Contractor. So the developers turn to Scott for advice and counsel. And then as the General Contractor came on, Scott proved to be an incredible partner, bringing a lot of creativity and a lot of partnership to the project.
And I know it’s gotten a little dark, but you can see the lights outside. He is humble, but Scott’s fingerprints are on a number of those beautiful office towers littered throughout both Chicago and San Francisco and internationally as well.
Now, Martin is all over the country developing facilities and engaging with General Contractors of all different sizes and all different markets. So Martin, every week sees a dizzying amount of projects that go well, and some that present unique challenges. But Martin, I know firsthand is one that engages with his general contracting partners and design partners. Martin and I also, over pints of beer, have talked about that fundamental lack of technology and data that could make life a lot simpler for everybody. Martin was the perfect person to have on the panel to share this perspective.
Mike has built and led many, many massive projects. Mike was involved in a number of the McCormick Place Convention Center projects that his former company, my former company, built over the years. He is a very accomplished Design Builder. It’s been at least seven years now that he’s leading all of the design and construction efforts for the nation or the world’s largest landlord, Related Company. Mike has a lot of experience on both sides, as does Martin, and brings a great perspective on both what’s possible and what he feels is also needed. Did I do you guys any justice here?
Mike Schnizlein: I hope so.
Martin Walsh: Steve, thank you. I think we’re good.
Steve Dell’Orto: So what I want to do is pepper these guys with a bunch of questions, and then they’ll just start chewing on those questions. Then we will open it up for any questions or challenges for a complete open dialogue here. But if we wanted to kick this off right, I would say, Mike, in your last seven years, how would you describe the most ideal preconstruction experience?
Mike Schnizlein: Steve, if we are talking about pre-COVID, COVID years, and then the current climate we’re in, preconstruction has been a bit of a challenge as of late. But the best functioning preconstruction that we have, and strive for, is really about people, right? It’s about bringing together the right people with the right alignment of goals and objectives. That’s when we see the best success. Where the design team is informed, the construction group is informed and then quite frankly, we the Owner, know what we want and we know what the outcome should look like and we can communicate that. When those things work with the right people that you can trust, get them in the same room and get them aligned. This isn’t easy, alignment of goals, because we all have profits, we all have stakeholders and other shareholders that we’re answering to. But if we can align those goals and objectives of the project to be successful, that’s where we find the best results.
Steve Dell’Orto: Martin, over the years we’ve talked about this magic equation and—building on what Mike’s talking about—talent plus some level of technology is really what that future equation of success is representing. I 100% agree on bringing the right people and aligning them at a personal level, but you have a lot of opinions on technology and how we need to improve the process in addition to having the right people at the table.
Martin Walsh: I tell everybody—I just told Steve tonight again—my first filter on everything is people first, not firms. So it’s as simple as, “Do I like you? Will you come to talk to me?” It’s about how you engage, the questions you ask, and how informed you are about my business. How much do you know about my business and how my business works? But once you get past that, we start working together. One of the bigger challenges we see in preconstruction—and again, I work on probably 50 to 60 projects a year and they are different sizes (some are full city blocks, some are small little car dealerships)—and being consistent means getting consistency in numbers and the speed at which we can get numbers.
There’s such a reliance today on General Contractors and it doesn’t seem they can move without a Subcontractor giving them input. In today’s market, I understand that somewhat. But the lack of a database with information that can be interpolated into quick early budgets when we’re trying to make some early developments and engage makes things challenging. Even our best partners are amazed at how long it can take just to get an informed number that can help us with our decision-making. Because without them, we can’t make decisions. Because the last thing we want to do, as Mike said, is not have you be at the party, so to speak, and then have this relationship where we’re trying to force a number on you. And then things just unravel between ourselves, yourselves and the Architect from there. So the whole technology scene and the speed at which estimates can get turned around, as well as the accuracy of estimates early (not peppered with 30%, contingencies), is astonishing because we’re here today with a large amount of technology in the world—especially with the AI onset. All of that is just amazing in our sector. It points out how asleep we collectively are as an industry. It’s amazing really.
Steve Dell’Orto: It’s a bit of an overreliance on Excel. We refer to that software as analog and archaic and “yesterday’s stuff” in comparison to other industries. But as a Designer, you’re also part of that critical triumvirate of stakeholders. Between the Owner, the Designer, and the Builder at the table, communication, and taking a lot of what might be considered a foreign language—if the estimators are rattling off all these costs in an immense amount of detail and you’re the Designer trying to design to a budget—what experiences do you have on how that’s been communicated and shared with you? Do you think things would be a lot better and easier for you to design and drive towards a successful outcome if things were shared with you, number one, and if they were shared with you in a different way that would allow you to understand what’s in the budget and what the preconstruction team is thinking?
Scott Seyer: I think the main issue is some transparency from the Owner. So we always want to know where we are going with our budget. 50% of the hard costs are structure and curtain wall, roughly, because curtain walls are a very big deal on towers. So we know it’s a big number and also important for the look of the whole building. So the shape may not change, but the curtain wall, the exterior, that’s going to be a big influence on the cost. So we kind of need to know where the developer wants to be on cost and budget. But then it helps to have a qualified GC who knows the market, who knows the Subs, who can be part of it, and be in the conversation about what’s important to us as architects and designers without being frivolous. It’s not just that we’re trying to be crazy and use this unique bronze. For instance, what are we trying to do with texture? And how do we get a better number? But we’re so early in the game, we don’t know what the number is. So having a GC who knows the right Subs to go to, who knows the pricing, and who also understands what’s important to us, is critical.
110 North Wacker was the last building I was involved in that was built just before the pandemic. We didn’t know what we were going to do. Was it a glass fence? Was it a stainless steel fence? Was it anodized aluminum? We just didn’t know. So the Contractor had a series of Excel charts about all the alternates that we would have when we finally went out to bid. We kept those on the table for a solid six months because we weren’t there yet with our drawings, but they were going to carry certain numbers until we went out to bid. And we all know the numbers will get better when it’s for real and it’s out to bid. But with that said, we needed somebody who was not just going to fight us on everything but say, “Okay, this is important. Let’s try to find the best number we can for the exterior aesthetic,” which was critical to the Developer for it to be a quality building. We worked together collaboratively and we got there, but it was a partnership, all the way through.
Steve Dell’Orto: Preconstruction is not just one transaction and it’s not one singular event. It’s a series of estimates. It follows the design as the design is the driver that’s progressing over time. It may be three months and it could be as long as three years. But the optionality you’re describing, to be able to react to, whether it’s market conditions or an adjustment in the pro forma, whatever the case might be, you were describing charts in Excel, which I can tell you are extremely time-consuming for the Builder to be presenting. So credit to them.
Scott Seyer: And confusing for a lot of us too. So many cells, it’s too many.
Steve Dell’Orto: But the underlying value of communicating to you is to help you understand, appreciate and be self-guided a little bit into thinking about what is affordable and what the right price points are, as well as having optionality, Martin and Mike, as you’re trying to fine-tune that pro forma for market conditions. You’re starting way in advance to appreciate what rents are or what your customers and your clients ultimately need to be successful. Having process visualization, but also something that very succinctly gets to the bottom line of, “Hey, here’s options, A through Z.” and any combination of those gets me here, gets me there, is one way to be more proactive. And I think it makes that rather easy and convenient with a dose of technology.
Martin Walsh: I think what you’re describing Steve is what I would call engagement. It’s being truly engaged and not just passing an estimate across and expecting myself on the Owner side and the Architect to decipher, what is $30 a square foot for a slab? It’s putting context into everything. For instance, what kind of finish are you going to put up on the precast on the outside of the building? Don’t get rid of important things.
Like today, I looked at an estimate and it’s a mixed building, which has an occupied space under a parking deck and they put sealed concrete over unoccupied space. If I’d taken that estimate at face value, we’d have a leaking building and would have gone all the way through the process. Those sorts of things, where you can just be engaged and put yourself in my seat. And making sure you understand what’s important to me before you even start is important. Most of the technology has been focused on the construction sector, whether it’s surveying equipment, or Procore, which you all are here today for. The reality is, that most of the time that I spend on a project is way before we ever break ground. Most of my time and all the critical thinking my team has put in lasts for at least the same amount of time as construction. So if you think about that, the way that we communicate numbers and important decision-making is pretty archaic. In all fairness, when you think about it, in today’s age, all the focus is put on the construction side with technology. It’s mind-blowing, to be honest with you.
Mike Schnizlein: Let me jump in on that point because one of the things that I’m picking up on is—and it’s readily clear when we start to diagnose what’s going on here—we’re all speaking different languages. The Owner is off looking at performance and talking about yields, interest rates, equity stacks, how we build in a capital stack, permitting, approvals, PDs and tax credits. They’re so preoccupied with a completely different vocabulary of acronyms. And then on comes an estimate in dollars per square foot, dollars per vertical square foot, a linear foot of this, and linear for that. They have no idea what this means. And how does that then get translated into the imagery? Into what the designer can use? This is where—and it’s not lost on me, Steve—I think many of us have more technology in our cars that got us here than we have in the tools that we use to build our buildings. So let’s flip that.
What we’re finding very successful is that we’re doing a lot of this. We’re mining our data and taking photographs of all of our buildings—whether it’s in New York, or Chicago—and saying “This is the building in images. This is what it looks like. This is what it was made up of and this is what it costs.” And then we are painstakingly cataloging all of that together, currently in Excel. I would love to have somebody that could put it in a database. The tools are starting to exist and starting to emerge. But again, we’re talking about limited bandwidth. Bandwidth of the people that are sitting here that can say, “How do I investigate that tool? How do I find out what that tool is? How do I leverage that tool into my business, so that I don’t have to do all that internally?”
Steve Dell’Orto: It’s also capturing lessons learned. So there’s a lot of value and I think that is underappreciated. I was a former Builder and it’s underappreciated how much value you can bring. You’re bringing the project data and information from past projects to bear on the current one because it’s cost history, but it’s also some of those painful lessons learned. For instance, “I better get that floor condition to prevent that leaky situation”. I’ve used this product a few times and I’ve got that information that I can bring to help Sonic and Sonic’s Architect think through these details. So to me, my career builds year after year after year, you just go from one project to the next and you put everything in a drawer and move to the next one. You’re almost repainting the brand new drawing from a blank canvas and not being able to leverage that going forward to be smarter, more accurate, and more complete, over and over and over again.
Martin Walsh: I think also Steve, you also have to consider short-sighted decision-making. If you don’t have all the information and somebody’s giving you costs, thinking they’re doing the right thing coming in with a low number, but it’s missing critical stuff that will be important on the project, you have to at least discuss it, even if you were afraid to put it in an estimate. I’d start to question how well you know your Owner. It’s super important to be willing to come forward and be the expert, be that trusted adviser. Steve said it earlier, being able to talk about the critical things and critical risks on the project because there’s no point in you getting into a deal and then having to scrap your way through it. At the end of the day, if a problem happens with the building, as a General Contractor, your insurance is going to suffer. So it’s much better to have that critical thinking early, be that proactive thinker and come in with that sort of vibe, if you will (I learned that word yesterday for my daughter, I guess I had a bad vibe).
But you need to come in showing you’re here, that you understand the project, that you understand where the risks and pitfalls are, and that you understand what’s important to the Architect. Having the ability to quickly do that, and then—Mike does this, I’m sure he does—when I get numbers, sometimes I’m like, “Okay, we can’t afford that.” So, “What can we do?” is the next question. That’s when you guys have the hard work, because it’s one thing to put the first standing still estimate together, but it’s a whole other thing for me to say, “Well, what if we did this? What if we did that? What if I get rid of a floor? What if I do this?” And the speed to be able to do that in Excel is just brutal. I’ve done it myself.
That’s where I think opening people’s minds to better software is the way to go for the speed at which we’re looking to do things. Because again, let’s face it, the talent level—we talked about people already—but the talent level in our business is getting smaller. There are fewer and fewer people doing this because it’s not cool anymore. And because of that, there’s more and more work being asked of us, with more and more complex systems within projects. The need is there to engage software and invest and put the same investment into precon. We have all these processes in construction, and we’ve all done them, whether it’s project manager reports or managing profit. But the best way you can manage the profit in preconstruction is by setting the deal up properly. For any Contractor, I would tell you, that’s the best way to go. The best jobs we’ve had, and the ones with the least amount of problems, are the ones that had the best estimates. Every single one. Over the last 10 years, I’ve been doing this as an Owner and every successful job started with a successful estimate and engagement with the Architect as well.
Scott Seyer: I would like to continue on that thought. The earlier the GC is in the room, when we’re talking about design and we’re talking about the project moving forward into construction, the better. That’s just been my experience. When we come too late, there’s always going to be an issue. We’re going to end up revising the drawings because of the budget, and that’s where we’re going to have mistakes. All we’re trying to do is avoid mistakes because that just equals money. So if we’re in this same room on the same page early on and they understand what’s important, I just love the collaboration rather than the combativeness that was historically between Architects and Contractors. We both can respect what we’re trying to do.
I would say to every GC, if you tell an Architect what’s important to you, that is going to go miles in your relationship of building the best building because they just want that language of, “This is what’s important” and “Help us do this the right way.” Because we may not have drawn it up the right way, but they know we’re going for aesthetically pleasing and they know what we’re trying to do to add value. But ultimately they know the pricing and they know the construction (they being the GCs, of course). We can all get there together, it just has to start early. I’m a big proponent of that.
Steve Dell’Orto: One thing that we have seen—and we’ll kind of conclude on—is this topic or theme in my career of two and a half decades, that there’s been a massive shift in the recognition, as Scott has pointed out, and as Mike and Martin pointed out. Having the Contractor in early for more collaborative deliveries and getting away from that lump sum hard bid, where the Contractor just comes in after the designs are done, and then is expected to build. But with that, I think people have learned how to come together and they’re recognizing the value. To be able to do it on a more sophisticated scale, to be able to capture the true value of that collaboration, I think is where the industry does need to keep up. And Mike I liked your analogy about there being more technology in a car than what we’re building. We have some friends here from Tesla who I was talking to tonight and the beauty of Tesla is that they’ve just completely revamped the automobile. They eliminated 60% of the moving parts to where now your car can pretty much be maintained for the most part, except for tires and brake pads, by a simple update over WiFi while you sleep. I mean, it’s brilliant. Why isn’t our industry doing things at that scale to just leverage data, and technology, and still bring people together, still get you from point A to point B like the car does? But in a much more efficient, expeditious manner with fewer moving parts. When you have a moving part, something can break down and go wrong. Let’s eliminate that and make it smooth and life will be a lot more predictable.
So with that, we just wanted to see if anybody had any thoughts or challenges. Don’t throw any rotten tomatoes, but anything else, we can take. I’m going to pick on my friend Gary. Gary represents the lender’s perspective. So there’s a person who invests money and expects the developer to make sure that the project comes in successfully, etc. So, Gary, any thoughts?
Gary (audience member): Thank you, I’m glad I raised my hand too. So when the Architect talks about texture, what does the Contractor know about texture? I’m going to ask you, “Do you know what you’re building?” Mike had it right. He’s got pictures, he’s got photos, he’s got different data that he gets to the Contractors and says, “This is what I want you to build. This is what I think it’s going to cost. Give me your estimates.” You give concrete evidence to the GC and understand what he wants. You have to communicate back to the Contractor what he expects you to have and what your expectations are. The texture is kind of hard to understand, but visually, you’ve got it right in that getting the Contractor in that early to understand what that means is exactly what the Contractor needs. Those are my points. Those are just my comments.
Scott Seyer: If I may add on that though, because Steve kind of touched on it. Tesla is building everything, but they’re building it in one specific place, and they’re selling it everywhere. We are buying it from different places or you’re buying it, the Contractor, how do you know what it costs? The curtain wall in Charlotte is going to cost different than the curtain wall in New York. And as architects, we don’t know this. We can’t have an all-glass tower. We need to have some texture and we want to do something nice. So tell us. Having that knowledge is important, but you need to have it on a national scale and a local scale.
Steve Dell’Orto: I think that just points to data. This conversation isn’t just about data, but in that exact example, that data exists. But guess what? It’s not data. It’s just information locked up in trillions of spreadsheets in everybody’s C-drive across not just the US but the world. So it exists. And so how do we as an industry move forward to where that data can be brought forward in a much more organized, structured fashion, in the right context and presented in a way that you can understand better-looking graphs than what you get out of Excel? Martin’s getting a lot of upfront, more proactive certainty out of the partners that he’s bringing to the table. And Mike is bringing all of the other data that he’s collecting as a Developer and Property Land Owner. He can also define what their standards are and communicate that more effectively as if it’s a catalogue.
Mike Schnizlein: The real tricky translation then becomes, how do we take that data—which will come and we will get there, there’s no question about it, we kind of have to—from the Contractor, and how do we translate what the texture cost is and whether it changes my rent. That’s the next level of thinking. That’s where we all need synergy. For instance, this facade will cost this and it will improve my rent or it’s making a better building for the skyline. The other challenge is—the world’s full of challenges—you’ve got different municipalities with different building codes and they influence the cost. Can I go glassy in this market? Can I not go glassy in that market? And it’s understanding from a Contractor’s perspective that getting a facade, getting rebar, and getting structural steel, to different markets is a different challenge. But having that information available to give to Developers, so we can make informed decisions, that’s where the trick is.
Martin Walsh: The easy thing sometimes is to pick on the glass or pick on the glittery part of the building. I had a job in Houston, a city block Porsche building. We went through that little dance saying, “Well, you can’t have this or that.” And I said, “Hang on a second. Let’s talk about your foundation costs. Let’s talk about the superstructure costs. Why are they so expensive?” And once we got into all that, it was a bad assumption on the framing. And I said, “Well, let’s try long-span beams.” And once the Architect, Engineer and Contractor got together, we dropped the structural costs down enough that it didn’t matter anymore. So the overall project got to the target budget. The one thing I try not to do as an Owner is penalize every line item because there are trade-offs when you’re making decisions up and down to make a building happen. That’s the thing that I’m looking for. Even when we issue our standards, because we have our design standards, the one thing that will come back is, “Well your standard said this, so we didn’t price that.” Even though in Southern California, in the San Andreas fault location, you need to have way more foundations.
There are pros and cons to giving too much information versus trying to get the right teamwork back because sometimes that can feel overpowering. There’s no right answer to that part. But I think looking at the entire building, for instance, looking at the HVAC systems today (HVAC costs are out of control). Is there a better mousetrap? Don’t price a chiller system if you don’t need a chiller system. Those types of things are all the decision-making that you can control when you come with the first budget and you want it to be informed for the locale, as Steve said, as well as the solution for what we need for the business after we communicate what the overall building needs to be.
Scott Seyer: I’ll expand on that just a bit. The newer trend is how are we going to get people back into the office buildings?
Scott Dell’Orto: Here we go! We’re going to pick that up on the next panel, Scott.
Scott Seyer: We’re not gonna go there just yet. But you know, one big part—I think you’re seeing the trend everywhere—is more outdoor space. BOMA now allows us to count that space as rentable, even though it doesn’t count your F.A.R. or whatever zoning restriction you might have. So we’re all trying to find that way to get people outside space. You can’t just extrapolate a number. It’s costing 220 bucks a square foot for an office building these days. Where do we put that in the outdoor space? We need somebody early on. I’m designing a building right now that is on a site of 40,000 square feet and it’s a million-square-foot tower and I’ve got 50,000 square feet of outdoor space. I don’t know what that costs. I don’t. I know that it looks good, but I don’t know about all the insulation and drainage and everything that has to happen with all those terraces. And so I need somebody on board early to tell us if we’re going to be able to make this work. We know it’s valuable, but how much does it cost to build that value? Times are changing, as I’m sure everybody here knows. Pulling people back to the office is going to be expensive but we don’t know in which way. So having somebody qualified early on is going to help.
Steve Dell’Orto: This was a fantastic discussion. The takeaway here is that people coming together at the earliest stage possible yields a greater level of success on the project. I think what we’re also hearing is the expectation and the need of the Developers whom we as Builders work for, as well as who we partner with on the design side, who also want something more sophisticated to provide a greater degree of certainty and enhanced communication.
The world is clipping along at a much faster pace, every day, and we have to do a better job of not just keeping up—we have a lot of catching up to do in the first place. This is a healthy discussion. I appreciate the contributions from the group here and I want to express my gratitude to Martin who came in from Charlotte, North Carolina to be a part of this today. Scott and Mike were fortunately local here in Chicago. By all coming together and talking through this and opening up the conversation, we were able to represent ourselves, what the expectations are and what the opportunity is. I think if you get this right Mike and Martin and others are going to be wanting you on their job if you’re bringing something great to the table that’s taking care of a lot of what they’re talking about. So I appreciate everybody spending time with us this evening.
About ConCntric:
ConCntric is a preconstruction management software that helps teams manage the entire design and planning process in a unified platform. Through intuitive data visualizations and interactive charts, ConCntric guides teams to grasp the entirety of their project’s landscape in a single view. By simply uploading your estimates as you go through the preconstruction process, ConCntric allows you to: compare your current project status with prior project data and industry benchmarks, track insights on all projects with portfolio-wide KPIs and analytics, and forecast possibilities and scenario model outcomes to align your design with your budget. Learn more and book a demo at concntric.com.